Tuesday 7 August 2012

Vintage Market Aug 12

I visited a vintage market on Sunday at Snape Maltings. So many very lovely pretty things. I could of spent a small fortune. It was another Deben Event and there were lots of stalls including handmade, upcycled and vintage. A great mixture of interesting things, I could wonder around looking at all the bits and pieces for hours.

I was on the look out for some crochet blankets, I am enjoying making my own but feel it may be some time after baby is born before I completed a full size blanket. So here are a couple I picked up:
I love the bright colours against the black.
This is a large blanket which will go in the boys room.

I also picked up this gorgeous Danish pot for just £6, and love and pattern and colours:
Lastly I bought this original tile made in Suffolk in 1967 for just £1:
Have you visited any vintage markets recently? I would love to hear about your finds.

Love Lemon x


  1. I would very much like to live a place that is called Snape Maltings - what a wonderful name that is! Lovely blankets and a extra lovely pot! Just right for stew.

  2. It's a great name isn't it! I can't wait to make something delicious in my pot.

  3. Wow! Those are fantastic finds. I love the fact that the tile was made in Suffolk.
    The blankets are gorgeous too. I have a similar one which I have "borrowed" from my nan. She hasn't asked for it back so I'm keeping it.

    1. Hi Lauren, it makes the tile that bit more special doesn't it. My husband said when we buy a place out here we can cement it into the wall of our home, I thought that was a great idea. I love the blankets so much, I got them both for £25 too. Hang onto that blanket! I hope you are well and things are going well x
