Monday 16 September 2013

happy place

It's not always easy to explain why I love the beach. 
It is my happy place.
It makes all my worries seem small.
Rain or shine it's where I like to be.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

WIP Shawl

A few weeks ago I picked up my crochet hook again. It's been a while and I was keen to get back into it. So with some super chunky yarn and a 20mm (yes 20!) hook I made a snood. It worked up quickly and the yarn was so soft not to mention a gorgeous bright turquoise colour. Then thanks to IG I spotted the perfect project to work on next. A granny shawl. So here we are so far on this WIP.
The pattern I used can be found here.

I love deciding on colours and combinations for a pattern. I decided to make this shawl for myself and I went to have a look in a local yarn shop for some inspiration. I nearly chose a coral coloured cotton that had a silky look to it but went with trusty Rico Creative cotton. I like the matt colours. They only had a few colours to choose from in the shop but 1 caught my eye. It's called clay. I decided not to do a striped shawl but a thick black stripe along the bottom of the shawl and for the edging.

What are your WIP's?

I'm also joining in with #WIPsLinky that Tales from Mount Pleasant has set up.

Love Lemon x