Wednesday 7 October 2015

Sunny Home

Before I begin with any autumn/winter inspiration posts mainly featuring cosy blankets (I love cosy blankets) I just wanted to show some appreciation for the September/October sunshine.

It's been nice to still be able to have the back door open and sunshine streaming in and lots of trips to the beach.

We have been living in our home for 7 months now and I could still write you a list of things I want to do but we have been slowly getting new bits and changing things as we live in the house. Here are a few things we have added.

As you can see these are mainly small additions and changes. We have added pictures, rugs, curtains and light fittings which for me all make it that little bit more ours. We had some really old light fittings that I couldn't wait to take down. I was especially happy to see my yellow pendant from Habitat go up that I actually bought before we moved! There are a few rooms still waiting for the perfect light fittings. I like to take my time with each room and shop around. At the moment I am struggling to find the perfect light for the stairway. Our next big project will be our bathroom which I have lots of ideas for. 

For now I am going to enjoy our home and family time. 

Love Lemon x